Portfolio Manager and Fund Manager look like the same. As both are used as synonyms having the same meaning as Investment Professionals individuals who are highly educated and skilled personnel appointed by the investors. These managers are responsible for investor’s investment in order to manage investment allocation, generating funds. If we research in-depth we will find there is no such big difference between Portfolio Manager and Fund Manager.
Difference Between Portfolio Manager VS Fund Manager
Before going further we must need to know about Portfolio manager or fund manager, what is his duties and responsibilities.
Portfolio Manager or Fund Manager
The portfolio manager is a skilled and highly educated professional with broad financial experience of an investment portfolio. Such a manager has a specialization in CFA and expert in different types of investment.
Portfolio manager/ fund manager is responsible for managing different types of funds like Hedge funds, Mutual funds and Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs).
What is the Difference Between Portfolio Manager and Fund Manager?
Both both terms used as synonyms and there is no such big difference in them. Generally, the term fund manager refers to the person or manager responsible for the management of specialized investments on behalf of investors. This is when we try to define in in funds contextual. but when we come to the vehicle we can describe such a manager as a portfolio manager.
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