Difference Between Open Source VS Proprietary Software
When it comes to using the software the major thing arises to see which software is needed to use. When it comes to finding the right app, program or system which fulfills the needs of the company, then different options are available to choose. There are different categories of software that are open source and proprietary software used by different corporates or companies.
Open Source
It is software which is also known as free software. Open Source is available at no cost, and It can be used by anyone for any purpose with only very minimal restrictions. It referring to software whose source code is available freely on the internet.
It is the medium in which programmers create and modify the software. The most well-known example of open source is Linux operating system but there are other open source products available for every conceivable purpose.
The common theme of open source is that the ability of diverse parties to create technology that interoperates. Open source is the one when the code of open software is available for anyone to use. It can share and change.
Everyone has access to software open-source and it is free to download. This means that anyone can use the software, modify it easily and can share the software with the community.
Proprietary software
Proprietary software is that software is owned by an individual or a company. Usually, it is owned by the one that develops it. The source code of proprietary commercial software is closed guard secret usually. It is also known as closed software.
It is different to open software in its uses of unique features. It is not available to all to use freely as it is owned by company and its code keep secret. It means that only the access to proprietary software to modify and change it is provided to those who owned it.
Proprietary software is not always paid software. Few here are the examples of proprietary software as Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Office, and Windows etc.
Pros and Cons of open source
The open software pros are as it is free to use or try before to buy. It is completely free to the community to use it before to buy. The open-source software is free to support. It is available to the users and developers for asking questions and advice to the same global community. It avoids vendor Lock-In.
The cons are as it reduced the competitive advantages. It has minimal support leverages. It increased business risks.
Pros and Cons of proprietary software
The proprietary software pros are as it maintains the tight control of their product roadmap. It pays a bigger fee for acquisition that typically includes full rights to the ownership of their own software. It is tailored software. The cons of proprietary software are as it is dependent.
They have minimal influence on their clients. Its software is licensed. The major barrier of proprietary software is that it is developed for a single purpose, applications and separately packaged.