These two are social media applications which provide the platform to share the media and content with each other. Millions of people are using these apps and make them the source of entertainment. These apps are also providing the platform to spread the knowledge or information and aware of the people from any agendas. Nowadays these apps mostly become the source for people to recognize themselves in front of a large population.

Difference Between Instagram and Twitter

What is Instagram?

Instagram is an application for sharing photos, short clips or videos through any electronic device which has an internet facility. This application is mostly and easily download or available on Apple, android and window phones. It is a free app for sharing photos and videos. We made an account to run this app successfully.

Difference between Instagram and Twitter

The account can be private or personal and public. In private accounts, people send requests to get access to someone’s photos while in public accounts, people have easy access to any one’s photos and videos without asking permission or sending photos.

People can share their photos and videos with their followers or the large number of people or with select group of friends. Even people can tag photos and videos to their followers.

What is Twitter?

Twitter is also an application also known as microblogging system. This system provides the platform to send and receive short posts. These short posts are known as tweets. There is a limitation of the characters during the tweets. More than 140 characters there is no permission to tweets so the number of characters should be kept in mind before tweet related to anything.

Many famous personalities made their accounts on twitter. The accounts can be personal or public. So any tweet from famous personality’s personal account is acknowledged. It also includes links to relevant websites and other references. Different users of twitter follow other users to see their tweets and share with them also.

In twitter we can not only tweets but can also share other tweets by clicking the option of the retweet.

Instagram VS Twitter

Twitter and Instagram applications are widely used for different purposes. These two apps are different in many terms such as there are limitations of characters in twitter while in Instagram there is no limitation of posts characters. Users of Instagram have reported a cap after the characters of 2,200. They also vary in terms of post styles.

Twitter offers different post styles and media uploads but its basic format is short under 140 characters. While in Instagram, it is totally focused on media aspect. For uploading on Instagram, it requires at least one photo or video.

The direct messages feature is available in both applications but they differ from each other as the direct messages are in group chats. Instagram allows only 15 people in one chat while twitter allows up to 50 people in one chat.

The feature of stories is also found in both applications but it is widely used and common in Instagram. At once twitter allows to attach multiple uploads while Instagram shares the multimedia attachment process predates stores on the wall of Instagram.

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